Hair Pulling Disorder in Kids – How to Treat It

hair pulling disorder in kids

Hair Pulling Disorder in Kids – How to Treat It

Many parents mistakenly think that a condition called hair pulling disorder in kids will go away on its own. They think that their child’s head will turn into a bowl of Jell-O after it has been treated with harsh drugs and razors, and they are not too concerned about the fact that it will lead to further damage to the hair if nothing is done to get them to stop pulling.

The fact is that the use of medication and scalpels will do little to make hair pulling disorder in kids go away. This condition is actually quite common. There are over four million children in the United States who suffer from this condition.

Even if the pulling did go away, it would take time to recover. It is a sad truth that the longer a child suffers from this disorder, the more likely he or she is to have a recurrence.

While some children may seem to respond well to certain treatments, most are not going to be cured. If you have a child who suffers from this problem, there are certain ways to help reduce it.

First, it is important to understand that there is no clear-cut link between parents and their children with hair pulling disorder in kids. However, when a child pulls his or her hair out, it is a sign that something is off. In many cases, parents know or suspect that there is a problem, but often times, the parent does not believe that the problem will get better on its own.

One thing that many parents will try is diet and exercise. Hair pulling disorder in kids can be a result of an imbalanced diet. Eating foods that are high in fat and low in fiber can lead to you child pulling his or her hair out.

When looking for cures for hair pulling disorder in kids, keep in mind that vitamins can help as well. When your child is not getting enough vitamin B, he or she may develop problems with eating and pulling their hair out will probably follow. Vitamin A may also be a factor in this.

The fact is that there are certain foods that will promote hair pulling disorder in kids. When your child has hair pulling problems, avoid eating foods that will trigger the problem. Examples of these foods include; garlic, chocolate, and spicy foods.

There are certain types of hair styling products that can aggravate hair pulling disorder in kids. This means that products that dry hair or leave it wet, and products that are not all natural may lead to you child pulling their hair out. Avoid products like creams and oils that will dry the hair, which can be very drying.

For those parents who are struggling with hair pulling disorder in kids, you should realize that the best way to treat the problem is through simple parenting techniques. Some of these tips include; asking your child to make sure that he or she does not pull their hair when playing with your child. Also, talking to your child about how important it is to stop pulling their hair out, and that they need to be considerate of others when they are out in public.

Sometimes, when a child has a problem with pulling their hair out, it can actually cause the hair to fall out. So, making sure that you do not dry your child’s hair, and limiting the amount of time your child spends in the sun will help to avoid having hair falling out.

If you are concerned about your child pulling their hair out, you should speak to a doctor as soon as possible. They will be able to help you get the right treatment, and give you suggestions that you can implement to get your child to stop pulling their hair out.

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